Search Results
Autumn Blaze, the Talkative Kirin (Sounds of Silence) | MLP: FiM [HD]
A Kirin Tale (Sounds of Silence) | MLP: FiM [HD]
The Kirin Get Cured of their Silence (Sounds of Silence) | MLP: FiM [HD]
MLP FIM Season 8 Episode 23 - Sounds of Silence
The Legend of The Kirin and The Nirik (Sounds of Silence) | MLP: FiM [HD]
Autumn Blaze saves AJ & Fluttershy
Applejack and Fluttershy Argue (Sounds of Silence) | MLP: FiM [HD]
'A Kirin Tale' Reprise (Sounds of Silence) | MLP: FiM [HD]
Autumn Blaze MLP
The Kirin get their voices back
AJ Meets Autumn Blaze
MLP Season 8 In a Nutshell: Ep. 23 "Sounds of Silence"